Pan card Facility
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PanCard Facility

PAN is a number issued by Income Tax Department. The citizens who file income tax returns must have the PAN number as per IT Department guidelines.
Again Government of IT Department made PAN number compulsory in various transactions, for example if one has to deposit amount above Rs. 50,000/- in his Bank Account then he must give his PAN number in Bank, otherwise Bank will an accept his amount.
So it is better for every person to have a PAN number & PAN Card issued by IT Department. Vishwas Co-Op. Bank provides PAN card service through all of its branches. Vishwas Co-Op. Bank accepts the PAN application forms from its customers, send them is respective authorities & follow-up is done in this regard by Bank till the PAN Card is issued to customer.
Bank charges nominal Rs. 7/- per account as service change for this service. Customer gets pan card within 1 month from the application on his home address from the appropriate authority.