Education Loan Rates

Avail our Education Loan Serves to pay your child’s Private School Fee/International School Fee/College Fee/Tuition Fee/Coaching Classes Fee.
- Loan Limit : Maximum up to Rs.10 Lakhs
- Loan Tenure Duration : For Loan amount Rs.3 Lakhs Loan Duration from 1 to 5 years (60 Months) For Loan amount above Rs.3 Lakhs up to Rs.10 Lakhs Loan Duration 84 Months
- Pre-Payment Facility : Can pay additional amount apart from EMI
- Rate of Interest : 10.99% for Loan Amount above 1 Lakh to 10 Lakhs and 12.99% for Loan Amount up to 1 Lakh (0.50% Discount on Rate of Interest for Girl Students)
- Pre-Payment Facility : Can pay additional amount apart from EMI
- Process Fee : 0.50% + 18% GST
- Penalty Charges : 3% (if closed before 1 year)
- Margin : 80% of Fee Amount
-For Salaried Persons :
- For Salaried Persons : Employees of reputed and financially sound organization.
- Should be on Payroll of the Company. Confirmed service for at least one year.
- Three months latest Salary Slip and six months Bank statement of salary account.
-For Businessmen & Professionals :
- Having an experience of at least one year of business.
- I.T. Returns for last three years.
- Six months Bank statement of Business Account.
-Co-Applicant :
- Spouse/Parents/Blood Relatives of the applicant can be taken as co-applicant.
-Guarantors :
- Two Financial strong Guarantors Required
Duly filled form with :
- Income proof of Applicant and Guarantors
- Residential Proof of Applicant and Guarantors
- PAN card of Applicant and Guarantors
- KYC of Applicant and Guarantors
- Original Tuition/Institute/Coaching Class Fee Receipts
- 10 PDC cheques
Other Charges :
- One upfront EMI, Franking Charges, Personal Insurance of Borrower.
- Borrower and Co-Borrower : For Loan Amount up to Rs. 1 Lakh – Nominal Member. Regular Membership Fees @ 2.5% of loan amount (for Secured Loan)
- Borrower & Guarantors : Nominal Membership – For Loan Amount up to Rs. 1 Lakh Regular Membership – For Loan Amount above Rs. 1 Lakh