Home Loan

Buying a House is a dream for many. Now buy your dream home with the help of our Housing Loan Facility. Our Home Loan cater to all types of customers base viz., salaried, self-employed, professional, businessmen, ect.
Home loans made easy. Repay the amount through EMIs, at rates like never before.
We offer high-value loans at competitive interest rates, with the option of flexible repayment tenors extending up to (data) years.
- Housing Loan ROI : 9.50% (for Loan Amount upto Rs.25 lakhs)
- Housing Loan ROI : 10.25% (for Loan Amount above Rs.25 lakhs)
For Salaried Persons :
- Employees of reputed and financially sound organization.
- Salary Undertaking from the company
For Businessmen & Professionals:
- Business should have establishment of minimum of 3 years.
Co-Applicant :
- Spouse/Parents/Blood Relatives of the applicant can be taken as co-applicant.
Documents :
Duly filled form with :
- Income Proof of Applicant(s) & Guarantor(s)
- Residential Proof of Applicant(s) & Guarantor(s)
- Property Documents
- PAN Card of Applicant(s) & Guarantor(s)
- KYC of Applicant(s) & Guarantor(s)
Prime Security :
- Dwelling Unit/s under construction/ready possession to be purchased.
- Two Financial strong Guarantors Required